Friday 13 January 2012

Day 1 - Edinburgh

Hello everyone,

We arrived safely and it is quite nice in the hotel. We had a brilliant journey up and enjoyed listening to our I Pods and playing on our Gameboys well as eating your well prepared snacks. The kids menu was lush in the hotel, Alex enjoyed spag bol, Cameron chicken breast and Mason and Joesph were living it up with a steak and chips each....

Quote of the day from Cameron - does anyone fancy a French fancie???? he revealed his box of cakes on the train - the whole carriage was laughing!

Our taxi is booked for 8.30am in the morning so we are off to bed for an early night very soon.

Uncle Joe hopes baby William is doing well and sends him a big kiss.

Hope you are not missing us too much.

Take care.

Love the French Gang x x x x


  1. Sounds like a brilliant train journey!! Have a safe flight x x x

  2. hope u all have a great time !!!

  3. Hi French Gang, its Jay. Hope you all having a great time send some more pictures please.

    Ps Can Cameron bring me a french fancie back. cant wait to see you all again.

    from Jay Wardropper
